Columbia Gorge Chiropractic incorporates in-house massage as part of your recovery. Our massage therapists are eager to help you find relief fast.

Massage Therapy
We incorporate massage therapy to help you heal & recover faster
Vehicle accidents and workplace injuries can cause prolonged pain and discomfort. In addition to chiropractic treatment, we offer our patients the opportunity to work with on-site massage therapists as part of their treatment. Chiropractic care targets your joint pain, while medical massage sessions focus on secondary injuries or strains in your muscles.
Our massage therapists use proven techniques to support recovery for patients of all ages. Whether you are dealing with general muscle soreness, headaches, back pain, or pain related to an accident, you can anticipate much-needed relief when working with one of our professional massage therapists. Our evidence-based techniques target your injury and alleviate your pain quickly.
Our goal at Columbia Gorge Chiropractic is to restore your mobility, improve range of motion, and decrease pain. Schedule a medical massage appointment to support your holistic recovery today.
Schedule your professional massage appointment: (503) 491-9266.